Distant Wildfires showcases the captivating contrast of an abandoned schoolhouse in the middle of a quiet wheat field, illuminated by the faint glow of distant wildfires. The stars peek through the night’s clouds, adding a sense of calm amidst the dramatic red hues on the horizon. This striking image captures the intersection of natural beauty and the raw power of nature’s forces, creating a scene that is both haunting and serene.
Perfect for those drawn to evocative landscapes and storytelling photography, Distant Wildfires brings the beauty of rural Americana under a fiery sky into focus.
To ensure the highest quality, we’ve teamed up with Hahnemühle, a legendary German paper maker with more than 400 years of craftsmanship. Our prints are created on Hahnemühle’s Fine Art paper, known for its luxurious finish. This exceptional surface amplifies the rich colors, crisp contrasts, and intricate details in Randy Harris’s photography, delivering a stunning, lifelike experience that captivates the viewer.
Our limited-edition artworks embody a commitment to exclusivity and artistic excellence. The edition number reflects the total number of prints created across all available sizes. For example, if a photograph is part of an edition of 950, it means only 950 prints will ever be produced, regardless of size. This approach preserves the exclusivity of each size option within the total edition count. Once all 950 prints are sold, the edition will be closed permanently, ensuring the rarity and lasting value of your selected piece.